
Health Care

Health is wealth. Hence strive to provide finest medical care and vaccinations through our unique network of health professionals and organizations committed to protect children from illness and help them access quality health services.
$0.00 donated of $7,500.00 goal

Child Equality

There are an umpteen number of areas where the children are deprived of their basic rights. To overcome it we have processed the campaign that supports child equality. This campaign will have a lasting effect on those we help today, and for generations to come.
$0.00 donated of $8,600.00 goal

Education Support

Today's Children are tomorrow's future. Hence, helping thousands of kids to get access to education and create better future for themselves. We are building the state-of-the-art infrastructure for giving disadvantaged children and young people the support and resources they need to achieve their full potential.
$0.00 donated of $5,600.00 goal


With a passion for helping children in need we donate new clothes to low-income, school-age kids. As a quality and decent clothing gives confidence and self-esteem needed to achieve academic success for a kid. We are happy to accept support from helping hands for families in need.
$0.00 donated of $7,500.00 goal

Erasing Malnutrition

From supporting and treating the sick and disabled to promoting public awareness of specific health risks, we focus on tackling the causes of malnutrition and its effects by using our proficiency in nutrition, water and sanitation, food security & health.
$0.00 donated of $8,600.00 goal